Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Breyer Product Review: Stablemates American Pharaoh

Here's a quick review of the Stablemates American Pharaoh model horse.
I think it's great that Breyer makes portrait horses not only in the big sizes but also at the Stablemates scale.  This is a particularly cool model, since American Pharaoh was the first horse in 37 years to win a Triple Crown!  The Stablemates portrait horse is gorgeous, too - just like the real horse!
The only complaint I might make is that, while American Pharaoh is a stallion, the mold used for the portrait horse is a mare.
However, it's a lovely and dynamic mold, the conformation is of course correct for a Thoroughbred, and the paint job is accurate.
Altogether, I would definitely recommend this model for anyone who has an interest in racing or even just wants a pretty model horse!

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